Book marketer Membership

Book Marketer Membership Book Marketer Membership
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Book Marketer Membership

This combination Membership best suits the Creative Author, working in partnership with Thumbnail to promote their Book. Additional artwork images can be successfully marketed & sold as a collection alongside an on-going Book Project. Benefits include comprehensive features from all our other Memberships at Thumbnail for 12 months. By joining Thumbnail at this level, a Creative Author can reach a wider audience for both their

Artwork and their Thumbnail publication

Your book

This combination Membership best suits the Creative Author, working in partnership with Thumbnail to promote their Book. Additional artwork images can be successfully marketed & sold as a collection alongside an on-going Book Project. Benefits include comprehensive features from all our other Memberships at Thumbnail for 12 months. By joining Thumbnail at this level, a Creative Author can reach a wider audience for both their Artwork and their Thumbnail publication.

meta data

As a Registered Publishing House, Thumbnail has a professional account with Book Nielsen & Gardners Wholesaler Both are key players in the Book Publishing Industry. The Meta Data gathered by Nielsen is used to showcase every single Book catalogued online. The more info they hold for your Book, the more likely it is to sell. This Membership includes premium service at Nielsen, allowing regular updates for your Book.


Thumbnail hosts an active Social Media community via Facebook & Instagram to showcase the achievements of Member Authors & Artists. Books & Artwork Products can be added to our online sales platforms:

NB: Your ISBN registration is dependent on you maintaining a permanent Membership at Thumbnail.


A Micro Website, dedicated to promoting just your Book to prospective purchasers. The domain is your Book Title & is complete with animated previews of sample pages, buying links to the Book & a Reviews page. This stylish Marketing tool for your publication is a bolt-on feature to Marketing Author Membership

£199.00 inc 2 years hosting

click below to see a titleweblet:


As part of your Book Author Membership, Thumbnail will ensure that all ISBN registrations & Sales Links to your Book are maintained as planned during your project. Our most commonly used platforms are Waterstones online, Foyles online and Amazon. In order to sell your Books via these global outlets, Thumbnail will negotiate on your behalf to agree Sales Terms & Profits Shares to both you the Author and us the Publisher.

PRINT promote

Thumbnail offers a comprehensive list of Printed Products, useful to assist you with promoting your Book eg Art Cards & Prints.

If additional Art Printing is of interest to you, please also refer to our info sheets for the other levels of Membership which detail more benefits, products & services available to you under this Membership.

Under this Membership, Scanning of Original Paintings is free on all sizes up to A3 (297 x 420mm)