…And So 2020 Begins Again
I said I would be back with an update on whether we have managed to remain tidy and organised...and am pleased to report only minor abuse of cupboards and possibly the early beginnings of a return of my compulsion to hoard packaging of all kinds! Generally the Members' Box System is an enormous success for Stock Control and Filing. Without becoming too self congratulatory, Keith and I have allowed ourselves a few moments of pride and job satisfaction for the hard months of our Lockdown Project (please see prev Blog Post).
Art Calendar by Fiona J Forbes
Anyone who has read our Blogs before will know that at Thumbnail our Work Ethic is everything to us. Without it, or indeed straying too far from it, one knows in one's heart, one might not choose long hours of work in a hot cabin over laying about about in the glorious sunshine all week! That said, Coronavirus has actually taught us much about ourselves, about all societies everywhere, that life comes top of the list - certainly above the alternative to life. And so with a conscious effort to explore ourselves, that is, our actual selves and not just our work selves, Keith and I have entered what feels like a new beginning, a new year, a new normal to coin a phrase.
Looking back at my own life, I can see junctures, turning points - some I was aware of, some I chose and some were decided for me. I am assuming this is the same for everyone? We don't just trudge along in a straight line, our paths take unexpected twists and planned turnings, but we are perpetually moving toward something; be it success, failure, sadness or joy. The Pandemic has been coincidental with a lift shift here in the Cabin and we find ourselves with our proverbial toes inched over the metaphorical precipice of change. Perhaps it's our age? Perhaps it's our kids flying th nest (or possibly fleeing!) Either which way it feels new and exciting.
August 2020 is the month of our 21st Wedding Anniversary. Woohoo thought I - surely this extraordinary feat of patience (mine not his), resilience and humour (his not mine), will have earnt us an excuse to buy precious gemstones or some treasures of such high value as to have to keep it forever in its box?!
No! In fact 21 Years buys you... BRASS.
Top Selling Anniversary Card at Thumbnail by Kevin Haynes
Keith seemed thrilled enough with Brass and set about choosing new Door Numbers for our freshly (Lockdown) painted home. I think there will be little doubt in the minds of visitors to Thumbnail or indeed the many Couriers who frequent our driveway that they have reached No. 28.
As metioned last month, Thumbnail has beavered away all through the months of Corona restrictions, building this awesome new website packed full of colourful Cards and Prints available singly as gifts (to yourself or others!) Please take some time to explore it after reading this and simply enjoy the range, the creativity and the talent of our Member Artists. This website is of course a work in progress, indeed, it will always remain a 'Living Document' ingesting a constant stream of new images created by our Members. So do please come back every month to see yet more beautiful Art.
Generally though, Lockdown has been brilliant for getting those little jobs-I-never-get-time-for finally done. We have even updated Google and so now, when you search for Art Printers in our area, you will see fab pics of our new look Cabin, as well as that really cute one of office pooch, Billie, on our printer's palette Rainbow Rug! Teeny weeny request here - if you get a second or several to spare, please do write us a little review for Google, we would love to hear from you and so would others looking for Art Services. Thank you
Work/Life Balance?
Peppered into all the long hours and hard work, we are enjoying Nature, Music, Exercise, Gardening, Driving our Car and of course, Billie-Jo. Judging by the Artwork we receive from our Members, we seem to share many of these outlets for relaxation!
So, for us at Thumbnail there is convenient visual synergy between our Work Selves and our Actual Selves…
Thank you for reading our little monthly musings, we hope to see you next time when September will be already upon us.
Wishing you good health, happiness and creative freedom this Autumn.